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Tuesday, September 2, 2008
December 21st, 2012.....
All Posts should be kept in this section. Lets discuss December 21st, 2012!
What do you think about all of this? Do you really think this is possible? Will the world end in 2012? You all have really taken the time to research this subject. Amazing really. Thank you Luke and the others who have tended their time to this. Wow.
I hope this response finds you doing well. This mysterious date has many people talking. When you look at the facts it certainly seems to have legs. As you have read there are many events supposedly going to take place on this date (or around this date).
So to answer your question, do I think it is possible that the world will end on this date? I do not think it will but I do believe that we may be facing some interested changes.
If you ask me, the world as we know it will end, but when something ends something new begins. Some talks about the ending of the earth, I believe more in the ascention of the earth!
I read on a website that it would only be about 20% of all the human spirits that would be ready to ascent with the earth. I wont put a number on it but when I look around everyday on people passing by me on the street, on work then I dont doubt that many wont be ready! I hope as many as possible will get ready before it is to late.
For the talk about dooms day, the end of the world, ragnarok or what people call it, I think that will be true for all the spirits that will be left behind. They will be left in despair. The earth we have now I will descipe as having 3 stages: Heaven, Hell and all that in between. In heaven everything is good and you are happy, but if you dont do good things with all the blessings you get at this stage you might just see your self getting pushed a step down and if you have tried heaven life in the "in between" could feel like hell. If you are in hell you are trapped in a place where nothing good will ever happen and you cant seem to get out of the dark by yourself, eventhough you try and try and try. It always seems like the door closes in front of you everytime you have found a way out. When you finally get out, if you get out, it is a strucle. Eventhough good things start to happen you still have the memory of hell printed in your mind, it is like it is calling for you to come back. I think the only way to get hell out is to get to heaven, when you have been in hell. Then there is all that in between where good and bad things happen. For some more good and for others more bad, but never really more than you can take and get on with your life. Heaven would be the best that this earth can offer and hell would be the worst. When we talk about the ascentment I think that all the "in between", where most os the human spirits will be, will disapear leaving only heaven and hell. For all the ones that are ready to ascent a light will cath them and bring them to a better world. A world so great that I cant really describe it in words. For all the rest they will dump down in hell and live in dispair, fear and darkness. This is something I wish for nobody!
But all this is not something that will happen over night, but I think it will start around this time. How long the process of the ascention will take I do not have any idea of.
With all this, I would like to hear what you all think about starseeds? it is said that many has come to earth in these years to help the earth with its ascention and also to experience it cause it should be one of the most amazing experiences!
I really like what was said here. When there is an ending their is always birth. Nothing ever stops for good. I think that is a wonderful way to look at things.
There is a lot of scientific data supporting massive changes to our planet on this date in 2012. If nothing else, the world will be a different place. Some are going to be affected.
I am very happy to see that this topic is receiving the same attention that it once did on the older forum. Skiddles and Bjoorka have some really good points here. What do you think everyone?
bjoorka, you make the statement that you believe that only those "ready" will ascent with the earth while the rest will find themselves in "hell". Could you explain first what you mean by those who are "ready"? What should one be doing to be be ready and what are you basing this on? Who or what will determine whether someone is ready or not? Also if "hell" is as you describe it a place of despair from which there is really no way of escape then what is its purpose, just to torture those who miss the one chance to ascend in or around 2012? I know not all things spiritual will make sense in the "physical" world but that seems completely illogical to me. It seems that "hell" would exist simply to serve as an eternal torture chamber. You couldn't even call it punishment as punishment serve the purpose of learning from mistakes and reforming. Since you describe hell as a place where one has no hope of ever escaping hell and hell itself is designed to never allow you to learn or escape but instead keeps you trapped in eternal distress it can be reasoned then that the purpose of hell is not for punishing and is not for learning it is only for torture. I can't figure out what purpose or means eternal torture would serve. Can you explain what I am overlooking?
I'll try to see if I can explain the questions. Don't really know the purpose of hell, I guess that the devil never needs any purpose. Without evil there could not be good, without hell no heaven. I know the purpose of our soul is to evolve and to ascent... to what level that is possible I do not know.
You ask me what I am basing my information on. This is questions where there really isn't much of hard facts... if there really is any. I base my information on the informations I receive each and every day... don't know where they come from but it is just like some of these things just pop up in my head. I believe in the fact that there are many here with the purpose of helping the world to ascent, but there are also people here who want the opposite, people who will tell lies and make sure as few as possible will ascent.
There will be people who are not even close to the place where they can ascent cause they have so much more to learn (these people wont try to understand the fact of ascentment). I would guess that it is about 10% (without really being sure). There are also people born who will ascent with the world. I think the term is indigo children and I guess the number is 10% equal to the other number. That is the whole talk about ying and yang (universe vs. anti universe) Many is ready and it is really up to yourself to get ready.
If you read the bible Jesus says the ones who believe in me I will save (If you dont live by his words you aren't really believing in him). I do not think that Jesus is the only way (it is said that many roads leads to rome and this is also true for ascentment)... I believe that Jesus has exsisted, but he is not my light. I think the answer lies in your faith... religions have many answers to what you can do and buddishm holds as many real answers as the bible does. You dont have to be fanatic to ascent but you have to have faith.
I think the first place to start is to not be greedy, to be able to give to the ones in need (but only to the xtend that you can afford). Nobody xpect you to give when you have nothing to give. But it dont help to give if you do not truly care about the ones you are helping... there are more things but I would start here.
This palce isn't the only 3D world in the whole universe and for the ones left behind, who are left in hell. Their time in hell ends when their physical body dies and then there will be other 3D worlds they can try to evolve in.
In this world hell is not at place but a state of mind. I state this: that you cant get out of hell by yourself, you are in a state where you need help... really dont think you are overlooking anything, it has no purpose. I can't find the purpose with hell anywhere. Everyone has a place to go, we walk on a road towards that goal. This road will turn and twist and split up so we will have many different roads that leads towards that goal. Some roads are shorter than other, so your choices in life decides how fast you will reach your goal. The roads are surrounded by darkness, so if you are so unlucky to make bad descicions you might just fall off the road and descent into darkness. To get out of the darkness you need someone to light up the dark for you. Some find this light in god, some find it in love others find it in their family. There are many places to find the light. The only thing the darkness do is keeping you from moving towards your goal' that is your purpose, so I have to say that hell has no purpose. Is this picture understandable?
Ask as much as you want and I will try to answer the best I can. Hope you can use some of the things I have written
bjoorka, I understand most of what you are saying, but the concept of hell is something I have always had a problem accepting no matter which religious or spiritual person or organization is talking about it. It just doesn't make sense because it serves no real purpose. I could understand for instance hell as a place of punishment, but not something lasting eternally but for a season until a lesson is learned or a truth is grasped. Then it would serve a purpose. Many spiritual people regardless of faith will many times have a story following along the lines known as "the dark night of the soul". A time or circumstance that they were brought so low that they eventually had to deal with their "fallen" (to borrow from Christianity) state and fully decided to cast thier faith in God, Allah, a higher power, the universe, etc... If hell helped people who never got to that state in on this earth achieve it, then I could understand hell, but hell seems to serve no purpose beyond torture. As far as I have ever witeness hell doesn't even serve as a deterent factor or life changing factor on this earth. I know of no one who has changed there behaviour or makes decisions based on a belief that they are going to end up in hell for eternity some day. Hell just seems to be to be a senseless place and I can't grasp any understanding for its purpose. Why would such a place even exist, or if you are one who believe in God/a higher power, what would be the purpose of God creating a place that serves no real purpose beyond eternal torture? In my many years of spiritual searching this place called hell has actually served as a stumbling block to my faith in God. Part of me wonders how a God create a place just to torture people for eternity. While I understand punishment. I punish my dog to teach him to refrain from doing something that may cause him harm. I can see love in punishment. Punishment makes sense, torture for the sake of torture makes no sense and honestly skews my view of God (higher power) as I can not see love in torture. Anyway since you mentioned a place called hell, the I thought perhaps you might have some viewpoint or understanding beyond my own. I am always eager to learn or consider something from different points of view.
I have no understanding of hell, like I have no understanding of the devil... and for god: god has only mercy to show for gods children (the believers). No true believer would end in hell. And by true Im talking about the ones living by the words of god (as I have said before you dont have to fanatic). Even in the darkest times god will shine and light up the road.
My god won't save every one, so much do I know, she will only save the one who believe in her like Jesus will only ask god to save the ones who believe in him.
Hell is a strange place and will seem different to each individual. For many people who come from a higher dimension and come to earth to help, will in many ways feel trapped in this world and limited by the physical bodies... they will feel like they've come to hell and only the ones who find a way to deal with it in a healthy way will be able to actually help. (to every rule there is an exception)
People who get punished by god can feel like they are in hell, but hell is something different. It is something worse. I know god punish people but to think that god have created hell is not true (unless you see the devil as an evil god). The devil is equally as strong as god (in the lower dimensions), but the devil only have the hold on souls in the lower dimensions, as you evolve you evolve away from the devil.
If you really reads into what this earth is ment for in the travel of your soul/spirit, it is said that this is the world of free will.
As this earth ascents the gods ascent with it, cause they have taken their childrens to a better place. The ones left behind is left with no light, no home, only the fragmented pieces of a place they once knew.
I think hell if like that sand you are stuck in, the more you fear it the more you get pulled down, cause god will never light the road with fear.
here is a saying from the oriental: The inferior archer, when he misses the mark, first looks for blame in his bow. The superior archer first looks for blame in himself.
If you know Yin og yang it talks about opposites who are connected. And without hell you would not have heaven. If heaven has a purpose then it means hell has no purpose. Do you get that kind of thinking.
My point in this is that it is stupid to not believe in god cause this world has hell, cause god has not created hell.
I think this is enough for this time... hope you get what I write.
What do you think about all of this? Do you really think this is possible? Will the world end in 2012? You all have really taken the time to research this subject. Amazing really. Thank you Luke and the others who have tended their time to this. Wow.
I hope this response finds you doing well.
This mysterious date has many people talking. When you look at the facts it certainly seems to have legs. As you have read there are many events supposedly going to take place on this date (or around this date).
So to answer your question, do I think it is possible that the world will end on this date? I do not think it will but I do believe that we may be facing some interested changes.
Great post.
Many blessings
Luke -Onstar28607.com
If you ask me, the world as we know it will end, but when something ends something new begins. Some talks about the ending of the earth, I believe more in the ascention of the earth!
I read on a website that it would only be about 20% of all the human spirits that would be ready to ascent with the earth. I wont put a number on it but when I look around everyday on people passing by me on the street, on work then I dont doubt that many wont be ready! I hope as many as possible will get ready before it is to late.
For the talk about dooms day, the end of the world, ragnarok or what people call it, I think that will be true for all the spirits that will be left behind. They will be left in despair. The earth we have now I will descipe as having 3 stages: Heaven, Hell and all that in between. In heaven everything is good and you are happy, but if you dont do good things with all the blessings you get at this stage you might just see your self getting pushed a step down and if you have tried heaven life in the "in between" could feel like hell. If you are in hell you are trapped in a place where nothing good will ever happen and you cant seem to get out of the dark by yourself, eventhough you try and try and try. It always seems like the door closes in front of you everytime you have found a way out. When you finally get out, if you get out, it is a strucle. Eventhough good things start to happen you still have the memory of hell printed in your mind, it is like it is calling for you to come back. I think the only way to get hell out is to get to heaven, when you have been in hell. Then there is all that in between where good and bad things happen. For some more good and for others more bad, but never really more than you can take and get on with your life. Heaven would be the best that this earth can offer and hell would be the worst. When we talk about the ascentment I think that all the "in between", where most os the human spirits will be, will disapear leaving only heaven and hell. For all the ones that are ready to ascent a light will cath them and bring them to a better world. A world so great that I cant really describe it in words. For all the rest they will dump down in hell and live in dispair, fear and darkness. This is something I wish for nobody!
But all this is not something that will happen over night, but I think it will start around this time. How long the process of the ascention will take I do not have any idea of.
With all this, I would like to hear what you all think about starseeds? it is said that many has come to earth in these years to help the earth with its ascention and also to experience it cause it should be one of the most amazing experiences!
I really like what was said here. When there is an ending their is always birth. Nothing ever stops for good. I think that is a wonderful way to look at things.
There is a lot of scientific data supporting massive changes to our planet on this date in 2012. If nothing else, the world will be a different place. Some are going to be affected.
I am very happy to see that this topic is receiving the same attention that it once did on the older forum. Skiddles and Bjoorka have some really good points here. What do you think everyone?
I can't wait to hear!
Here is a link, in your own time, you should take a look. :)
bjoorka, you make the statement that you believe that only those "ready" will ascent with the earth while the rest will find themselves in "hell". Could you explain first what you mean by those who are "ready"? What should one be doing to be be ready and what are you basing this on? Who or what will determine whether someone is ready or not?
Also if "hell" is as you describe it a place of despair from which there is really no way of escape then what is its purpose, just to torture those who miss the one chance to ascend in or around 2012? I know not all things spiritual will make sense in the "physical" world but that seems completely illogical to me. It seems that "hell" would exist simply to serve as an eternal torture chamber. You couldn't even call it punishment as punishment serve the purpose of learning from mistakes and reforming. Since you describe hell as a place where one has no hope of ever escaping hell and hell itself is designed to never allow you to learn or escape but instead keeps you trapped in eternal distress it can be reasoned then that the purpose of hell is not for punishing and is not for learning it is only for torture. I can't figure out what purpose or means eternal torture would serve. Can you explain what I am overlooking?
I'll try to see if I can explain the questions. Don't really know the purpose of hell, I guess that the devil never needs any purpose. Without evil there could not be good, without hell no heaven. I know the purpose of our soul is to evolve and to ascent... to what level that is possible I do not know.
You ask me what I am basing my information on. This is questions where there really isn't much of hard facts... if there really is any. I base my information on the informations I receive each and every day... don't know where they come from but it is just like some of these things just pop up in my head. I believe in the fact that there are many here with the purpose of helping the world to ascent, but there are also people here who want the opposite, people who will tell lies and make sure as few as possible will ascent.
There will be people who are not even close to the place where they can ascent cause they have so much more to learn (these people wont try to understand the fact of ascentment). I would guess that it is about 10% (without really being sure). There are also people born who will ascent with the world. I think the term is indigo children and I guess the number is 10% equal to the other number. That is the whole talk about ying and yang (universe vs. anti universe) Many is ready and it is really up to yourself to get ready.
If you read the bible Jesus says the ones who believe in me I will save (If you dont live by his words you aren't really believing in him). I do not think that Jesus is the only way (it is said that many roads leads to rome and this is also true for ascentment)... I believe that Jesus has exsisted, but he is not my light. I think the answer lies in your faith... religions have many answers to what you can do and buddishm holds as many real answers as the bible does. You dont have to be fanatic to ascent but you have to have faith.
I think the first place to start is to not be greedy, to be able to give to the ones in need (but only to the xtend that you can afford). Nobody xpect you to give when you have nothing to give. But it dont help to give if you do not truly care about the ones you are helping... there are more things but I would start here.
This palce isn't the only 3D world in the whole universe and for the ones left behind, who are left in hell. Their time in hell ends when their physical body dies and then there will be other 3D worlds they can try to evolve in.
In this world hell is not at place but a state of mind. I state this: that you cant get out of hell by yourself, you are in a state where you need help... really dont think you are overlooking anything, it has no purpose. I can't find the purpose with hell anywhere. Everyone has a place to go, we walk on a road towards that goal. This road will turn and twist and split up so we will have many different roads that leads towards that goal. Some roads are shorter than other, so your choices in life decides how fast you will reach your goal. The roads are surrounded by darkness, so if you are so unlucky to make bad descicions you might just fall off the road and descent into darkness. To get out of the darkness you need someone to light up the dark for you. Some find this light in god, some find it in love others find it in their family. There are many places to find the light. The only thing the darkness do is keeping you from moving towards your goal' that is your purpose, so I have to say that hell has no purpose. Is this picture understandable?
Ask as much as you want and I will try to answer the best I can. Hope you can use some of the things I have written
// Bjoorka
I understand most of what you are saying, but the concept of hell is something I have always had a problem accepting no matter which religious or spiritual person or organization is talking about it. It just doesn't make sense because it serves no real purpose. I could understand for instance hell as a place of punishment, but not something lasting eternally but for a season until a lesson is learned or a truth is grasped. Then it would serve a purpose. Many spiritual people regardless of faith will many times have a story following along the lines known as "the dark night of the soul". A time or circumstance that they were brought so low that they eventually had to deal with their "fallen" (to borrow from Christianity) state and fully decided to cast thier faith in God, Allah, a higher power, the universe, etc... If hell helped people who never got to that state in on this earth achieve it, then I could understand hell, but hell seems to serve no purpose beyond torture. As far as I have ever witeness hell doesn't even serve as a deterent factor or life changing factor on this earth. I know of no one who has changed there behaviour or makes decisions based on a belief that they are going to end up in hell for eternity some day. Hell just seems to be to be a senseless place and I can't grasp any understanding for its purpose. Why would such a place even exist, or if you are one who believe in God/a higher power, what would be the purpose of God creating a place that serves no real purpose beyond eternal torture? In my many years of spiritual searching this place called hell has actually served as a stumbling block to my faith in God. Part of me wonders how a God create a place just to torture people for eternity. While I understand punishment. I punish my dog to teach him to refrain from doing something that may cause him harm. I can see love in punishment. Punishment makes sense, torture for the sake of torture makes no sense and honestly skews my view of God (higher power) as I can not see love in torture.
Anyway since you mentioned a place called hell, the I thought perhaps you might have some viewpoint or understanding beyond my own. I am always eager to learn or consider something from different points of view.
I have no understanding of hell, like I have no understanding of the devil... and for god: god has only mercy to show for gods children (the believers). No true believer would end in hell. And by true Im talking about the ones living by the words of god (as I have said before you dont have to fanatic). Even in the darkest times god will shine and light up the road.
My god won't save every one, so much do I know, she will only save the one who believe in her like Jesus will only ask god to save the ones who believe in him.
Hell is a strange place and will seem different to each individual. For many people who come from a higher dimension and come to earth to help, will in many ways feel trapped in this world and limited by the physical bodies... they will feel like they've come to hell and only the ones who find a way to deal with it in a healthy way will be able to actually help. (to every rule there is an exception)
People who get punished by god can feel like they are in hell, but hell is something different. It is something worse. I know god punish people but to think that god have created hell is not true (unless you see the devil as an evil god). The devil is equally as strong as god (in the lower dimensions), but the devil only have the hold on souls in the lower dimensions, as you evolve you evolve away from the devil.
If you really reads into what this earth is ment for in the travel of your soul/spirit, it is said that this is the world of free will.
As this earth ascents the gods ascent with it, cause they have taken their childrens to a better place. The ones left behind is left with no light, no home, only the fragmented pieces of a place they once knew.
I think hell if like that sand you are stuck in, the more you fear it the more you get pulled down, cause god will never light the road with fear.
here is a saying from the oriental:
The inferior archer, when he misses the mark, first looks for blame in his bow. The superior archer first looks for blame in himself.
If you know Yin og yang it talks about opposites who are connected. And without hell you would not have heaven. If heaven has a purpose then it means hell has no purpose. Do you get that kind of thinking.
My point in this is that it is stupid to not believe in god cause this world has hell, cause god has not created hell.
I think this is enough for this time... hope you get what I write.
// Bjoorka
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