When I first created this web site, I had a Testimonial page but it got to the point where I was adding new ones so often and it was taking so much time I had to take it down. Thanks to the simpleness of the blog I can quickly and easily add them here!
I am very excited to share with you all the Testimonials that I receive very often. My friends, enjoy!
Blessings to all
Hey Luke, I just received my ring from you this morning. I
am blown away. Since I placed my hand on the box I have
been over whelmed with this great energy. My head has
been buzzing all day. Even the delivery man looked
“shocked!” This is the wildest feeling I have ever had. These
powers are real Luke, just like you said. Thank you so much
for all the extras. I will let you know what happens once I do
the invocations. WoW L.D.
Dear Luke, I recieved my genie and she is amazing. I have
to catch my breath every time I hold her. Please thank your
master for me. Bless you! -K
Dearest Luke,
Thank you so much for your lovely message! I am so sorry
that I didn't catch you before you left! It sounds as if you're
having an incredible time! Thank you for sharing your
experience with me! And thank you again for the
breathtakingly beautiful, wonderfully magical Tear Drop. I
have never seen anything so beautiful in all of my life! I will
cherish it forever!
As mentioned in my last e-mail, if is possible to conjure an
angel for me, I would be so thrilled... although I would be
thrilled with absolutely any spirit you conjured on my
I hope you have a wonderful time!
Thank you for being such a blessing in my life!
Warmest wishes and heartfelt thanks,
Dear Luke,
Just a note to tell you of a recent development. I laid my
ring on a stack of papers. In one bundle of papers is a list of
names of patients who owe us money at our dental office.
The other packet is a detailed account of a $310,000
judgment I received against a career white-collar criminal .
About 16 years ago, I loaned him (believe it or not, he just
happens to be the boy-next-door that I grew up with) my
life savings of $60,000. He took it and never looked back. I
did have a contract with him, so I sued him and received a
judgment--but no money!! I was never able to collect on this
judgment. He has all his funds well hidden in trusts and
other people's names.
Anyway, I explained all this to my genie and wished that
the people who owed us money would pay us back. . .soon!
This was Sunday night. Yesterday (Monday), when my
husband came home from work, he told me this: "You're
never going to believe this, but we collected $12,000 today!"
I called the receptionist this morning to find out what had
happened. She said she received some money from people
who walked in a paid their overdue bills, and that two
patients paid for all their dental work up front--before a
single appointment has been scheduled! Pretty amazing,
huh? I know that mt genie is the catalyst for all this, and I'm
so happy. Today, he is going to spend the afternoon in a
cloud of jasmine incense and vanilla candle glow! I am so
proud of him. . .
Hi Luke,
I just picked up the ring at the post office. I put it on, drove
home, and came in the house and was talking to my
housekeeper. The power was so strong that I cut our
conversation short and walked away from her. I'm now in
my office, and I took the ring off so I could think clearly
enough to email you!!!
You say that it's a very old ring. It looks completely new.
Do you mean that the genie inside is very old? At any rate,
you weren't just whistling dixie when you said I'd feel
something when I put it on!! WOW
Your Friend
My dear friend Luke,
Well, you won't believe this. This afternoon, I burned
jasmine incense and vanilla candles and sang to my Genie. I
put the ring on my finger instead of wearing it on a chain,
and I was just buzzed like I'd had too much coffee. My
fingers and arms tingled, I felt pressure in my solar plexus,
and I also felt a deep sense of anticipation. Then I went
ahead and asked for rain, and it has been drizzling since
about 5:00 p.m. If you can believe it, it has only rained
three inches in the past 17 months here.
I am an extremely sensitive person. As I told you, I just
about passed out when I put this ring on for the first time. I
have blown out a couple of light bulbs and somehow
depleted the brand new batteries in my personal CD player
since Tuesday, so that must be a significant sign that his
energy is around me.
If there is anything I am not doing or that you think would
help him adjust, please let me know. I have already
thanked him profusely for the rain, and asked that it
What a wonderful thing this is. Thanks for your guidance
and insight, Luke. I wish you and yours a lovely weekend.
All the best
Dear Luke,
Perhaps you remember a djinn that you conveyed to me
named _______. I have been his master for a while now.
In that time, we have had many adventures together and he
has helped me and my family tremendously, recovering
money and bestowing blessings upon us.
I am, honestly, so amazed at how he has served me. I am
ready to buy another item from you for I have so much
room in my heart. You have been the only one I can trust
and I love you. I am so interested in the supernatural, and
I'd like to have even more experiences.
I just wanted to write a glowing testimonial of his and your
services to me. Thank you again.
Hey Luke, how are you man. You won't believe this, after I used
the Watcher ******** I had the most amazing experience! I ran
down to the gas station and bought some lottery tickets! I won
on all three of them. Over $1500! I want to donate some to you
and your cause brother. Thank you so much man. Let me know
about the money. You are awesome!
Dear Luke.
I wanted to tell you, I have met an amazing man, my neighbor. A
kind, loving, caring man. When we are together it's PERFECT, like
heaven. I can't even find the words to describe it. It must be your
Genie's doing….
Dear Luke!
Thank you for getting back to me so fast! This is the third time I
ask you to make a wish to your genie for me.
I hope it is not asking too much from the Djinn?
I don’t want to come across as being greedy and I am so afraid it
will backfire
on me and take away the love the genie has granted in my life
already. I am very very grateful for what has already manifested
in my life.
My boyfriend sometimes says that it almost feels as if some higher
force has united me and him.
Because our love is so incredibly good and wonderful in every
possible way!!!!! “O.M.G” is all I can say times hundred!
He had prayed for the woman of his dreams and I have also many
a night certainly prayed for my dream man.
I have chosen not to tell anyone about my Djinn wishes that have
come true.
.....As for my genie when I first put her around my neck. The first
month I didn't do the conjuring yet. Yet, during that month
something happened to me twice. This might sound crazy because
it kinda is. One day I was going over things in my head. Things I
should do in work and school and how I should proceed. Suddenly
I find myself talking with myself in my head. But not like people
talk to themselves going over things in their head. It was like
someone was talking to me I couldn't hear any voices but I new
what it was saying. I was righting a report for school given a
month ago which was due the next day. I didn't study for it I didn't
even know what books or where to look up the topics to start But
I was telling myself exactly where to look I always thought it was
my intuition I was talking to. I finished and I got a 3.5 on that
paper. But if you think thats weird what was insane was after I
finished the paper which was around 11pm 12midnight my eyes
got dilated and I suddenly felt like I was high on something and I
started to hallucinate but nothing weird just flashes. The week
after it happened again I felt so high I couldn't go to work. I got
worried so I after I was feeling better I went to the hospital to get
tested to see if any drugs were in my system. I don't do drugs so I
should be clean and I was. There was nothing they checked my
blood and eyes for abnormalities but everything was perfectly
normal. They don't know what could have caused hallucinations.
Isn't that crazy. It was the Djinn!!!
Thank you for all that you do. You certain are the best!
Hello Luke,
First, I want you to know I feel so good. I want to share that I
have lived amazing experience today.
I went to my bedroom 30 minutes before spell time. I lit a insence
and candle with Vanilla. I made meditation for calmness and open
mind. I began to wait for spell. First, pins and needless was
begun on my 3rd eye chakra and then crown chakra. After a little
time this feeling was spread all my body. I felt that an
amazing energy enveloped me.This energy was very soothing,
tranqulity and powerfull. All these made me feel in safe. I felt
myself as if I had been in water or space. ( I always live the same
feeling before I levitate in Yogi Flying in Siddha Technic) Then a
light appeared and a door was opened in the middle. I levitated
from place that I was and I flight through the door to outside. I
was flying speedily and feeling fresh air and winds. In a short
time I came to the place that there were high mountains and then
I began to fly over the forest. There were a lake and a waterfall
in the forest. There was a white horse near the waterfall and
other side of waterfall there was a very huge turtle on the clovers.
Colorful butterflies were flying all around. Â After I left there I
came in a house in the town through the windows. There was
a man who was dressed up white. He had purple and silver color
aura around his head. There were color candles and papers that
were on the writing and synbols. I was standing in the front of
him and there was that amazing energy in the room. This beautiful
was entering through my head and 3rd eye and getting full in
my body. As good as my inside were being washed by this energy.
I were feeling getting lighter myself. After a little time the man
opened his eyes after his meditation finished and I thanked him for
this amazing energy. Suddenly I found my self as coming back in
my  room. I thanked to Allah and universe for this beautiful
experience and I opened my eyes.
I told the experience to my husband with exciment that I lived.
Then we looked at the messages in mail box and saw your
message. When I read your message my exciment and happinessÂ
increased more. You spell is working already
When I read your about me page I had understood how much you
considered your job important and you were very philanthropic.
Thanks so much for these. Â I was already beliving and trusting
you. your friendly approach to buyer, telling how you are
performing the spell, sharing these with people, are really
worthy of esteem. Â I respect you and your job.
Hello Luke,
I also lived very powerful and incredible experience. As I did
yesterday, I went to my bedroom 30 minutes before spell time. I
lit a insence and candle with Vanilla. I made meditation for
calmness and open mind. I began to wait for spell.
After a little time , first my head and later my body began to get
warm. Heat was spread al room. In a little time heat was turned
to color. First it became bright and clear later it became pink. Pink
changed it became blue, Â blue changed it became purple.I was
in purple night and gold color stars were appearing around me.
The stras were expanding and they were turning gold color light
ball. Light balls were changing theirs shape and they were
transforming into entities. Light which were spreading from the
entities in with gold color, was dazzling my eyes. While they were
encircling around me they said me “ you can trust usâ€. The
energy I got, was very beautiful and it was impossible not to trust.
I felt I enveloped this powerful energy and rised together them.
When I looked at down I saw the earth and its magnificent blue
Silver color light ball appeared far. When it approached it
expanded and when it came to frony of me it was transformed a
man. The eyes of man are closed and he was meditating. Cirle
around me was opened and the entites included the man in the
circle too. After a little time an orange light began to shine from
3rd eye of the man. The light coming from the men was coming in
my 3rd eye and were spreading to my all body.This was very
clear and powerful energy. This made me so happy and so good.
After a little time light entities around us formed a separete circle
around me and around the man. While they were taking me back
the others were going away together with the man.
Again I was in my room. Before I opened my eyes I thank you for
perfect experience that I lived.
Hello Luke, A wonderful blog you have here, there is a nice ambience about it that's not overdone or underdone. I do consider myself lucky to have been guided here! I'm also going to be sure to let friends and family know about it as well!
TaTa Jules
Hi Luke,
This is ****. The one you sent a Golden Dragon a couple of weeks ago. I just did the Master to Spirit Invocation. Something eerie happened.I followed all of the directions. I lit the insence and the candles. I said my words. When I was in the process of putting the ring in the insense the far candle blew out. Without hesitation I relit the candle. But it didn't dawned on me until morning that there was no way possible that the candle could go out(wind, fans ect..) unless it was the dragon it's self blew the candle out. It was neat but eerie. I hope you enjoyed the story. and you can put it on as a testamonial if you want.
Have your self a wonderful day and week,
My friend,
Good evening to you! I hope this email finds you doing well and in the best of spirits. I trust your week has been a pleasant one and you are gearing up for the weekend ahead.
**** my friend, it is nice to talk with you. Thank you very much for sharing with me your experiences with you Dragon. Very powerful! It will take a while to get used to this and you will.
My friend, I hope to talk with you soon. Enjoy you evening and I hope to talk with you soon.
Many blessings,
I have received the package with a purple not asking to contact u. I must say i was a skeptic until i opened the envelope. Wow! Please contact me back for any further instructions i may need.
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